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Total Record(s) Found: 12
Search Dover, the State of Delaware database, and look for property tax records. Browse by the name, the street, the tax account number, and the tax map number.
Official real property records search for the state of Delaware.
Browse Kent County, Delaware GIS division to locate property records using a GIS mapping service.
Browse Milford, in the State of Delaware for property tax records. Search by the address, the name, and the tax account ID.
Browse the assessor's database of New Castle County, in the State of Delaware, to search for New Castle property information.
Browse New Castle County, in the State of Delaware, Department of Land Use database. You can look for property information by parcel number and address. Also look at interactive geographic information system (GIS) interactive maps.
Select the assessments link for a PDF listing of the 2008 property assessments in Smyrna, from the State of Delaware.
Find property information from the State of Delaware. Browse by the property description, the street or the town of owner, and the neighborhood.
You can use the Geographical Information System, (GIS) of the State of Delaware. Look for property records including the parcel data, any properties recently sold, the sale prices, or any nearby schools or districts.
Look for real estate property or tax information in Sussex County, from the State of Delaware, by name.
Use the Sussex County, State of Delaware service to look for property information, by parcel ID, the name, the address, or a road. You can look at interactive GIS maps that include parcel information, the boundaries, the flood zones, the roads, rail, zoning, and etc.
Look through Sussex County, for the State of Delaware tax map. Tax maps can be a visual representation of the property boundaries.